A colonoscopy is a endoscopic procedure to evaluate large intestine & small portion of terminal ileum.
During this test , a long flexible tube with LED light and video camera on one end is inserted via anal opening. Video images from the tube are seen on a monitor.
The procedure time is usually 15- 20 minutes. Colonoscopy requires adequate preparation of the large bowel in which bowel cleansing agents are given clear the stool from large bowel
Indications of colonoscopy
Lower abdomen pain
Bleeding from rectum
Chronic diarrhea
Unexplained anemia and weight loss
Screening for large intestine cancer
Evaluation of colonics polyps
Biopsy of colon GI tract
Therapeutic procedures can be done during colonoscopy:
Endoclipping and injection of bleeding lesion
Polyp removal
Dilatation of strictures
Stenting of colon
Other Services
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